Why CREATE Solutions, LLC.?

The landscape of education is quickly changing and calls for leaders to be able to adapt quickly and become more flexible than ever to get better results. In order to create lasting change, school leaders must commit to becoming an organization that learns together, supports each other through change and knows how to build healthy work relationships, systems and structures that support the communication, collaboration and culture of the organization.

At CREATE Solutions, LLC., we believe that learners and leaders must constantly evolve and develop the mindset and skills needed to continue to lead with impact. We help districts analyze their data and practices so that they can understand the positive and negative driving forces in their system and determine the best actions to implement strategies and engage stakeholders to accomplish strategic goals and initiatives. 

CREATE Solutions, LLC.

Infinite Possibilities * Inspring Learning * Innovating for Excellence

Sonja Bloetner

I am a first generation American born to two immigrant parents who came to this country to give their children a better life. Their parents had only received between a third grade to eighth grade education. I watched as family members became doctors, teachers, psychologists, nurses, business owners and principals. From an early age, I realized that education could be a game changer for families in poverty if they worked hard enough and stayed focused on their goals.

Everyday for the last 29 years, I have kept this vision of the power of education before me whether I was in the classroom teaching English or Spanish, in the schoolhouse leading the work on collaborative teams or in the central office planning and implementing various strategic initiatives. My mission has always been clear. Empower diverse learners and leaders to maximize learning and accomplish their dreams. You can imagine that this journey has not always been easy, but has always been meaningful.

I have also had the privilege of working as an instructional specialist and central office administrator in a large urban district. In this role, I coordinated projects, wrote curriculum, designed & led professional development and supervised an instructional program with over 30,000 diverse learners. These experiences have built my resolve to stay committed to students, staff and schools. It also helped to keep me strapped in the learning seat to find innovative ways to help school systems design and implement various strategies and initiatives, as they struggle to level the playing field for all students.